Saturday, September 27, 2008


It's not how good you make me feel. It's denying myself and putting your needs above mine. Love is NOT a feeling. It's a choice. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked. Don't follow your heart...lead it. Those truths, a great story line, good actors and intense fire scenes make Fireproof an AWESOME movie. As Christians we need to support this type of movie. Please go see it. Take lots of people with you!

I came out of this movie more committed than ever to only marry a man who is broken before God, clinging to Him and not too proud to get down on his knees and pray. A servant who loves God more than his own life or than he loves me. I also long for God to mold me into that kind of woman. I want to be a godly wife and have a marriage that brings Him glory.

Here's a trailer for the movie:

To all you guys who have/ do fight fires and rescue people (Pete, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Smith, Josh, Daniel, Woody and others). This movie gave me a glimpse into some of the stress you guys work under. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Bill starting chemo again caused me to think about his life and what he's meant to me. He lives to share Christ and encourages me to do the same. He always wants to know who I've talked to, how he can pray, what I'm learning from the Word, my classes, and what's happening in my life. Whenever I picture him I can see him sitting in a coffee shop or Barnes and Nobles striking up conversations with the people around him, praying with them and telling them about Jesus. People open up to him because they can sense his genuine love for them and that he really believes what he's sharing. No, I don't have him on a pedestal. Only God belongs there and Bill wouldn't want to take His place. But, I am trying to model the way he has intentionally lived his life... being a blessing for God's glory.

Only God knows how long Bill will remain on this earth. All our days are numbered. Not one of us knows if we will be here tomorrow. I know that in the scope of eternity I'm only going to be here a short time. Am I living with an eternal perspective? My heart breaks when I walk around AVC. I see souls everywhere who need a Savior. I've started being more deliberate in how I spend my time. I'm getting to class early, so I have the possibility of sharing Christ. Last night, I had a conversation with a girl and found out she has a passion for special needs children. Since I worked for a couple years in the Creatively Created SS class, I was able to relate to her and how she loves those kids. Next week I'm hoping to ask about her spiritual beliefs and share mine.

I want to leave a legacy like Bill and others like him who didn't waste their lives.